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Tokyo Hot All Collections Mega Thread

Discussion in 'Sexy Videos (Pro)' started by 14K, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Well i think this post is a great one and did not mean for you to stop it.The collection is great but you got to understand how annoying it is to download 700 mbs and get only 300 playing with problems.please explain to me how is the original files stored? you said someone is breaking them for you .why not ask him to do it in lesser partitions (instead of 15 per 50 how about 4 per 200or lesser for example) .i did say mega can give you up to 500 mbs per file so why doesn't he opt for that.I for one would love to see the whole collection and i know there are many others too
  2. iflabs


    Mar 15, 2005
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    Nope, you probably don't know what you're doing or fucked up somewhere. Every video I've gotten from various collections work. Less complaining please.
  3. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Hey, no need for profanity friend! We are all a little F**ked up to be here downloading and "Uploading" porn like that so where is the problem? I downloaded files 3 to 6 one more time and guess what same result.Hey may be you don't trust me but explain to me how you download 700 mbs and then get a movie of 300 mbs with cut scenes.Don't believe me.Download Rika
    Shiratori for example from these files your uploaded here on this site and tell me that movie is complete.If after that you say this is normal then i won't complain anymore.
  4. hazonco


    Apr 2, 2006
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  5. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    hi overfiend,

    I'm the original uploader/owner of these files.

    I'll clear some of the things for you.

    First, all the files you see on there are good. I have some downloading every video so far, 85 to be exact, and they verified the videos to be good. The only bad video I uploaded was the n0028. Due to some corrupted bytes while transferring, it stopped playing around the 28th minute. I then uploaded the good version. Other than that, no problem at all. As for the links, there were broken ones but got updated.

    Now, as to why I splitted them into 50MB each, I have my reasons.

    This Tokyo Hot collection, if you know, has at the moment 303 videos and still on-going. I have every video so far but I don't think I will upload any past the 250th video as I see there are a few people uploaded most of the videos after that, unless there is big demand. I hope not. I only want to upload the older ones since they're harder to find and get.

    This upload was aimed for collectors at first. With that in mind, I do keep all the files I have uploaded so far just in case people will ask later on. I mean I could just upload and delete the files and then don't care about requests for files months later. I just can't do that. I'm also a downloader so I've experienced that myself. It's not fun.

    Anyway, to do that, there has to be some compromise in order for me to accomplish that. And that was what I thought would be best. It worked out pretty good so far. To give you an understanding, I had to reupload 50+ files for 40+ different videos because of bad links, invalid links, personal requests, etc. Actually, there were some I didn't have to re-upload the entire file, but had to for others.

    Let's say I reuploaded 50 files. 50 @ 50MB = 2.5GB.
    Had I splitted them at 100MB, that becomes 5GB I gotta reupload. At 200MB? 10 GB I had to reupload. You mentioned about 500MB, that's 25GB. I know that's not realistic as may be just for the smaller files and not just the bigger files but very possible. And that's a lot of bandwidth. I'd rather use that to finish the rest of the videos quicker.

    And wasn't just for my benefit only. Even though it's more work, it does help non-premium users. If some downloaded file is corrupted or failed download, can save some redownloading that file. Redownloading a 500MB file, would use up most of the download limit for the day. I do realize there's free premium hours but that's not available for every country. And there are ones that have their bandwidth usage limited by their ISP. Sadly, I am one of them.

    I like the idea of bigger files, then less files for me to keep track of. But I gotta weigh the pros and cons. It's just too big of a collection. If just around 50 vids or so, I'd do it in a heartbeat. And then just say I don't have the files anymore when people request. That would be perfect. :D
    kandirain likes this.
  6. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    I see some are getting these vids. If you guys are still interested, maybe ask 14K to continue as he's the OP and I don't want to butt in. Up to the 18th collection or 90 vids. Should have the next two collections ready for download by next week.
  7. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    I uploaded No 3 to 6 four times already and same result..uncomplete.May be it was meant to be like that i don't know but if you've noticed the file numbers in some cases , some are missing.may be you for got to upload one file here an there and that is what is causing the problem with some of the videos.like i said out of 700 mgs i get only 300. I understand what you mean about the mgs.If you need help uploading please free to ask.I can help with the bulk.with two uploading it might take faster to get the whole collection here.
  8. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    i wonder didn't anybody else download these files and noticed what i am taking about
  9. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    No, something isn't right. 300+ downloads for those you mentioned and you're the only one having the problem. Are you missing files?

    n0003 - 14 files
    n0004 - 17 files
    n0005 - 14 files
    n0006 - 16 files
  10. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    Like I mentioned, I have a few people verify the links and check the videos after they downloaded for me. Those videos you mentioned, they all reported good. Maybe something is not right on your side?
  11. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Well what can i say:Carry on.Don't stop on my account.i am sure if anybody else is having problems then they will mention it.like i said i am downloading from the start all over again the first 6 files and the result are the same.Lets hope that onwards all is fine.Don't give it any more thought if you say it is normal on your side.I'll try getting from file 7 onwards and see what happens.Thx for your efforts anyhow
  12. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    you haven't had any problem with these splitted files before? it can't be a coincidence that the first 6 files you downloaded ended up to be around 300MB after joining. there has to be something that's not working right. what do you use to join the files? maybe use another program and see?

    anyway, how about you download some others and tell me if they work for you. if it's just those 6 giving you problem, i'll repack and upload for you if you want.
  13. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    i use hjsplit to join files
    Here is what i get after addition
    1st file fine 637 mbs 41 minutes
    2nd file fine 763 mbs 44 mins
    3rd file fine 683 mbs 30 mins
    4th file problem 300 mbs 18 mins
    5th file problem fixed 700 mbs 30 mins
    6th file problem + buffering 400 mbs 21 mins

    so the problems mainly persist on 4th and 6th now although i managed to fix problem with 5th after several downloads and some name changing files.May be you uploaded it again i don't know but 5th is fine now.suggest you check out 4th and 6th if possible.I'll keep downloading onwards now because all these days i donwloaded the first six several times to be sure the result was the same.Will report my progress.By the way what other program can you use to join instead of hj split?
  14. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    I use FFSJ. It's much better than HJSplit.

    Download Here

    I'll check the files and post their info for you. 3 and 5 don't look right to me, only 30 minutes long. Shouldn't be that short. Plus, shouldn't have to rename anything. All the namings are very consistent. I've reupped files but with original files so there was never any need to rename. I checked the files with MegaManager and internet browsers (Opera, IE) and the file names are fine. Maybe because you redownloading so the names got changed as a result of duplicate files. If got all the files for that particular video but not completely joined, I can only think of incomplete or corrupted downloads. Maybe HJSplit is the reason also but I doubt it.

    The first thing you should do is to use FFSJ to join. I use it to split up the videos. See if it makes any difference. After the files got joined, it will tell you how many files were joined. So let's say, there are 14 files for that one video. After they were joined, a dialog window will pop up and should say there are 14 files are completely joined. If not, there's something wrong with some files, such as file names or really corrupted. If fully joined and still incomplete when watching, some files were downloaded incomplete or with some corrupted bytes.

    Anyway, let me know how that goes. As for re-uploading some videos for you, if you're not in a hurry, I'll do that later on. Since you still have other videos to download, I'd like to keep uploading the rest. Almost half way now, 110 videos.

    If indeed you have problem with these files, I'll use winrar to split the videos next time when I re-upload for you.
  15. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    file 9 and 10 are fine but 11 has problems too.Downloaded 15 files but only getting 50 mbs.I think the problem there is the numbering of the files.It is not consequential.It jumps by 2 or even 3 in some cases(001,00,006,008,010 etc).Check it out.I think that might be the problem.If the file number is sequential then the files comes out nicely but if not then problems.Thanks for the efforts again .The ones i did not mention after file 6 means i did not download.I will try to download the new reloaded 4 and 6 files and see how it turns out this time.also i am using Fsj(same result by the way for file 11 only 50 mbs).Will keep you posted
  16. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    i think i figured out your problem. The files are good but as i said before the number sequencing is kind of off. If it is 001 003 008 and so on then you end up with corrupt not complete file . I downloaded all the files for collection 11 and split them all by 25 and of course renaming them sequentially and this time i ended up with the whole load as it should be.I think you need not reupload.I will manage with my technique for now since it is working and i want to save you some time.I Think if you are to upload more files then please make sure that the numbers go in sequence like i said before 001,002,003 and so on.thks
  17. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    Well i thought i had it but no game it seems.The sum of the files have increased to optimal that is 730 mbs but the file only shows for 3 mins.Strange ?? I downloaded file 4 (the one you reuploaded)again entirely and without doing anything but joining them and used both programs for joining and still get 300 bs..same result as before it seems.That is all baffling to me... how....Will keep working at it tomorrow because today i am tired of trying. For now as i said before if you upload new files try keeping sequential numbers for the files.May be it works on your side but i mine when i split your already split files they don't work.May be you can do that with only original avi file who knows.Anyway keep the sequence.
    By the way FJS reports that only 6 files out of 15 are joining together in the case of collection 4 file and in the case of 11 only 1 file so that supports what i am saying that the correct numeration of file is the main problem here.
  18. overfiend

    overfiend ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Feb 17, 2008
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    another unusual problem: file 13 has been downloaded and all 14 parts join in perfectly to see a total of 683 mbs but when i play it, the video buffers and offers a total of only 13.41 minutes.Watched it to make sure and the video stops when the girl goes to a bj scene.No intercourse no nothing so i think it is safe to say something is wrong here too because i used hj split 3 times and fsj 3 times and same result.It is also strange because all files are sequentially numbered as it should so may be cut was not right from your side i don't know.Will download something else and tell you later.
  19. tantanh


    Feb 25, 2008
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    First of all, look at the scans above. The namings are fine. When split, I've never seen bad namings. They're very consistent the way they should be. As for the files not in order, that's because sometimes some files get uploaded before the others. It doesn't matter as long as you download all the files and join them. I'm beginning to suspect you just got bad downloads and nothing to do with the files themselves. Is your RAM good? If not good, when you download or join, the files will be bad a lot of time.

    I'll download n0004 myself and see if got problem you got. You're the only one so far that have problems with joining the files and have joined videos being bad. Only n0028 was bad to begin with. Anyway, I'll give you an update when I'm done.
  20. ashexx


    Feb 15, 2008
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    Very very nice... Thanks for sharing! :)

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