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Celebrity Gif's thread - (Self-made gifs only)

Discussion in 'Creative Backyard' started by Noodle Panda, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    It was discussed with the mods before and it was agreed that it should stay here.

    Do you have a problem with this thread because i started it? If you don't like the thread you don't have to click on it mate.

    This thread has been doing great, is well liked by all and has had 0 complaints until you came to phun. Just leave it be if you don't like it.
    Flightpath likes this.
  2. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    So you aren't interested in actually discussing the merits of the real issues I brought up?

    I already stated the only problem I have with the thread is that it's in the wrong forum.
  3. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    For the record, one mod agreed with me that it belonged in the creative forum and only moved it back here temporarily until the issue is addressed at a future time.

    I just thought it would be the democratic thing to do to actually involve the thread creator and participants in the discussion before the mods make a final decision on it.

    Perhaps I was wrong.
  4. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    It is well liked by some and ignored by many.

    Don't crucify me just because I'm the first one who has the balls to ask why it's in the celeb forum when it doesn't belong there.
  5. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    What the hell is your problem man? You just did a three post rant on why this should be moved, even though its been fine with everyone until now?

    Do you think you run these forums now that you've been in here for a few months? Why don't get back to posting and stop rocking the phun boat which was sailing fine before your arrival.

    Where the thread is doesn't bother me at all. I vote for it to stay here because there isn't any actual reason for it to move other than it bugs the hell out of you.

    These are video edits, not creative items. If the definition of creative items is a gif then you have to move every video in phun into creative as they are edited, usually converted and uplaoded in teh exact same fashion. If gifs are creative then so are videos.

    And who was crucifying you? If i was going to get on at you you know about it.

    Well liked by some and ignored by many is the same as every single thread on phun. So that argument is void completely.

    And as for "having the balls to ask why"... What do you think other phunners are? Sheepish yes men who are shit scared to speak their mind? If that what you think about the rest of the phun crew then you obviously don't know them. If something pisses off a phunner, they'll say it, don't you worry your head about that.
  6. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    Hey, you're finally addressing the issue instead of attacking me...bravo. I'll ignore your comments about how long I've been here since they have no bearing on the discussion.

    There is a seperate forum for videos, that's why vids don't go in the creative backyard. There isn't a seperate forum for gifs, that's the difference.

    Yes, gifs are edits, just like the edits in the collage thread (which are in the creative backyard).

    Edits, by definition are creative and therefore belong in the creative backyard.

    No, I don't run the forums, but I have every right to bring up issues regardless of how long I've been here don't I?

    Only someone insecure in their argument would try so hard to stifle it.
  7. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    You tried to get on me with personal insults before and were warned by a mod to behave. I suggest you heed that warning and stick to the issue.

    Ya, I'm a member of phun and I'm speaking my mind. Deal with it.
  8. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    I think what Spiderswims does in this forum is very creative...you don't think so?
  9. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    OK, here is a gif I **created** I hope you like it :biggrin:


    Video posted HERE in the video forum.

    More pics posted HERE in the celeb pics forum.
    richmond and readabk like this.
  10. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Can't you post all that in one post.

    Right. I haven't been attacking you so you can quit trying to insinuite that. If i was going to it'd be very in your face.

    And i don't remember hitting you with any personal insults. If i did then you probably weren't important enough to remember doing so to and if a mod told me to be quiet that won't be the reason i shut up. I probably couldn't remember the thread or argument. I have respect for the mods that i know so i never fight on the boards anymore, if i do argue seriously then its in a PM.

    Now lets clear this up so this thread doesn't get ruined. If you want to continue arguing with me then PM me. we are both already creating a bad vibe in here.
  11. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    And as a request, could you please post gifs in still thumb form so we don't crash imagehosts? Phun has taken down half a dozen or so already.
    Flightpath likes this.
  12. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    You were warned by a mod HERE earlier.

    I don't want to PM you and I don't want you to PM me. The last time you did, you attacked me personally.

    Debate the issue in this forum or don't debate it at all.

    I'm still waiting for ONE good reason why this thread belongs in the celeb pic forum and not the creative backyard.

    All the yapping you've done without providing ONE good reason only reinforces my side of the issue.
  13. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    You need to make that a rule instead of constantly whining about it all the time. I go by the rules, I don't read the entire thread in order to know what the rules are.

    But this thread ignores all the celeb forum rules (collections, requests) so I don't expect you to comply any time soon.
  14. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Why is this such a big deal for you? In the very first post i asked if we could try to avoid killing any image hosts. I am not a member with any authority in here but was merely requesting. It's far more sensible and polite to post thumbnails for both the (free) imagehosts that we are priviledged to use and for the phun users who don't have constant high speed connections.

    Take Inuk, he doesn't have full access to broadband all month so is it fair for him that a page has to load with maybe half a dozen gifs at dial up?

    It's not a rule, its just trying to be considerate to the whole of phun.

    And as for why i think this should be in celebs is because that is where it has always been. MM posted all his gifs here.

    If your panties really are in a super twist and you definitely cannot get the sand out of your vagine then either request all of the mods take a vote or make a poll requesting feedback from both creative users and celeb forum users and lets stop fucking up this thread. IT IS NOT A DISCUSSION THREAD.
    urbuggenme, VDark and Flightpath like this.
  15. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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    Thanks again for confirming that you have no legitimate reason why this thread shouldn't be moved to the creative backyard where it belongs.

    You are starting to get personal again, so I will do as you say and take what I have learned here and pursue other avenues available to me.

    Have a nice day :)
  16. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Okay, you're calling me out for insulting you and i ain't going to get teh blame for nothing so here are the insults you want.

    You have a stick right up your arse and are the last phunner on earth i would like to keep posting here. You are a droll, witless individual who i wouldn't mind hearing the something horrible had happened to to.

    In short, fuck off you sperm mouthed little cunt bag and stop annoying me.
  17. chumwithrum


    Oct 13, 2006
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    Apparently there was some confusion to whom my comment was directed. For the record, Hey specbugman, please read this, it was typed just for you....
    I'v just read the RULES of the celeb forum, where it in no way say these gifs or NEW unposted or otherwise collages aren't to be posted here. You've jumped onto other peoples threads as the phun police. Everyone has come here for the reason of ENJOYING pics and clips of our favorite celebrities. Why you can't just sit back and enjoy all the great content? If you read a thread title and don't like what's in it, don't click on it, and enjoy the posts that you do like. Also, besides trolling, which is what you're doing here, posting new replies for one scenetnce over and over again is just bad forum eduquite. Anywhere. ok, jumping off my soapbox and going back to ENJOYING all of the great posts on this board. Oh yeah, no one likes a whiney tattle-tale..
  18. Gutless_Coward

    Gutless_Coward BANNED

    Mar 12, 2008
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  19. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    Flightpath likes this.
  20. Taipan

    Taipan Reach Out And Touch Faith Staff Member ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15 Year Member Original Phun Crew Phun Award Holder POLL STAR ★

    Feb 24, 2006
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    Calm down you dumbheads :mad:

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