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Katy Perry Naked: Singer Doing Everything She Can To Vote For Hillary, HQ, Twitter

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by mistify, Sep 27, 2016.

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  1. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    ........just fracking with you.
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  2. jones1351


    Jan 14, 2014
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    The Electoral college is just one of the buffers designed to stop the *'ignorant and meddlesome outsiders (i.e the public)', from interfering with rule by Madison's 'more capable set of men.'Although America became 'America' in 1791 (Constitution with Bill of Rights), popular election of U.S. senators didn't start until 1913 with the 17th Amendment. Women couldn't vote until 1920 (the 19th Amendment); Into the 1960's,Blacks were taking their lives in their hands by attempting to vote in 'southern' states. Beginning to see a pattern here? Each of these progressive changes came through P-O-P-U-L-A-R struggle. Had it been left to the 'more capable MEN', the right to vote would still be restricted to wealthy white males.

    The popular vote would have kept 'Dubyah' out of the WH. We wouldn't be living in a utopia, but we wouldn't have the current complete cluster fuck either.
    Even Madison, the principle architect of this elitist mess, later bemoaned, 'the daring depravity of the times. The stock-jobbers [Wall Street] will become the pretorian band of the Government, at once its tool & its tyrant; bribed by its largesses, & overawing it by clamours & combinations [K-Street, lobbyists].'

    And, finally, my evidence is polling data. The 'Princeton Study' (Gilens and Page, 2014(?)), found that 70% of the population is all but ignored when it comes to policy (like we didn't already know it). I leave it to you to guess how this breaks down by income (Hint. See the 1%). This in the country that holds itself to be the beacon of democracy. Again, the only people loathsome of democracy are plutocrats (elitists) and dictators. Which would you prefer?

    *Walter Lippmann, 'The Phantom Public', 1925. Parentheses, mine.
    1 person likes this.
  3. PhantomLord


    Mar 15, 2010
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    She could have shown her tits for real. I'd still never vote for Hillary.
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  4. tacomaguy20


    Apr 25, 2010
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    Funny thing Liberals believe all this garbage. Keep watching CNN and living in your fantasy world.

    1. Osama is dead. Great one terrorist is dead while Obama lets how many out of Gitmo to rejoin the enemy? Oh and we traded 5 of their favorites terrorists for the traitor Bowe Bergdahl. Good move there Obama.
    2. Millions of people have healthcare that never used to and millions that used to have it don't anymore. And the ones that do, lost their doctor and can't afford the deductibles. Nice one!
    3. Gas has nothing to do with Obama. Gas is cheap because of fracking and Saudi Arabia not limiting production overseas to make American Oil too expensive to produce. Now that they have limited production, gas prices will go back up. I'm sure you'll blame that on Trump when he takes office.
    4. Electricity is more expensive because Obama is shutting down coal plants in the name of clean energy, which is just a way to pay back his buddies in the solar industry at our expense. Carbon dioxide emissions are what plants convert to oxygen, so effectively the Carbon poison in the air is the only reason your breathing right now. Carbon emissions.... what a F*ing joke!
    5. Veterans have more assistance? Seriously? You never heard of the Arizona scandal where veterans were dying on waiting lists. Nobody even got fired. It's a clusterfuck! Veterans have it pretty shitty right now.
    6. Gay people can marry? That's what you're happy about. Well I'm sure you'll be happy when one of those Syrian refugees Obama is letting in by the truckload throws that happy couple off a rooftop. You see Muslim's don't like gays and can legally kill them in their home countries. They think its ok to kill them here too...oh and rape and subjugate women as well. Obama says he is for minorities but he's not watching out for women or gays is he?

    So that sounds like a winning case you made there. I refuted your points but didn't even get to the really good reasons Obama is screwing us over. I'll save those for later. I'm sure your little bubble won't allow any of these points to sink in because Liberal ignorance is virtually impenetrable. You can tell because whenever you are telling them facts, their brain shuts off completely so as to not have to acknowledge the truth.
  5. mistify

    mistify ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

    Nov 26, 2012
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    OMG it's pretty scary what I started with this thread...from Katy Perry's Tits to Osama Bin Laden:rofl:
    2 people like this.
  6. arrogantamb


    Jan 6, 2016
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    You're a bad person. You should feel bad.
  7. arrogantamb


    Jan 6, 2016
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    Madison was an arrogant, statist asshole. That's my favorite argument I trot out against #2A folks – that his vision was to ensure that the federal government could crush any internal rebellion a la Shays's or the Whiskey Rebellion. If someone told him it was an individual or states right, he'd be mortified and would then pen a lengthy treatise explaining, in effect, that said person was a damn fool.

    But he's dead, so fuck him.
  8. Smoopy

    Smoopy Livin' the Dream! BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Ten Years of Phun

    Jan 13, 2007
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    History lesson much
  9. ferdain


    Dec 28, 2006
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    I'm a retired Vet of many years of service. I've watched this country change, not for the better, for over 50 years. I've held a TS SCI for many years. My bubble popped a very long time ago.

    Osama is dead, wheres the body refers to how and when he died, not that he's living.

    There is no global warming, or don't you understand they screwed up the original formula (Seriously look it up and also look up how much projected money they will be collecting in new taxes world wide, its eye opening. And that's only one of the reasons you haven't seen it on main stream news)

    And below are some of the ton of other very good reasons:

    I also have to say is very sad how many Americans have been brain washed by TV and Then Quote it's rhetoric like Gospel believing it in their core.

    Do any of you remember your parents, or perhaps even grand parents calling TV an idiot box?, a Boob Tube? Why am I stuck on TV? Because a lot of the rhetoric I see posted is a tell tale sign those who watch too much of it. These people have no facts themselves only what the box points them at. Whats interesting is those spewing all that glorified garbage aren't even reporters/newscasters any more. (Not that that's any kind of an Red Flag, heaven forbid).

    I'm willing to bet some of you even believe the Russian Government hacked the DNC and our election machines. How many of you actually read any of those hacked E-Mails. Watched the congressional inquires of Clinton? Gone to foreign news sites for opposing views? Looked up congressional Bill's passed into law, and took the time to really understand them? (And the list go's on and on). Or is it just easier for you to sit in front of that TV. (Man I cant miss the View, LOL)
    1 person likes this.
  10. L0ng5long


    Oct 2, 2014
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    Good grief, where are all these "my opinion beats facts" people coming from? Decades of scientific studies from all around the world don't mean shit to your type huh? Never mind all the other mumble jumble in your post. Any posts about Hillary, President Obama, climate change, etc. is like clockwork, the trolls come out.

    Not my quote:
    "When people identify with a falsehood, then history, facts, even truth itself becomes the enemy." = conservative logic.
    5 people like this.
  11. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    Decades of watching FOX Propaganda... err... I mean FOX "News". They're the vast perpetuation of "Our statements are the only ones you need to believe in." They're exactly the ones that created the entity that is known as Trump due to constant brainwashing of their watchers. The good news is that the average age of viewership of FOX Propaganda... damn, did it again... FOX "News" is in the late 60's. Since very few young people watch it at all, sooner or later the viewership will die off. So, one day the USA will be cleansed of the blight of FOX Propaganda (screw the "News" as they do nothing but propaganda) viewership and the world will be a much better place.
    3 people like this.
  12. Bad Robot

    Bad Robot Choking the Robot Chicken ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

    Jul 8, 2014
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    I welcome you to the age of the sheeple......
    1 person likes this.
  13. medievil


    Apr 25, 2007
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    you mean studies perpetuated by the very same people who stand to make billions off of "global...errr I mean Climate change" yea forgot, they had to change the name cause they got caught lying and facts didn't bare out that the climate was actually warming like they claimed. Hell they can't even account for the cyclic nature of the climate... after all, we've had a warmer tropical climate, then an ice age, now it is cycling back ... decades of scientific proof??? according to whom?? liberals??...al "the internets" gore??...lol...
    1 person likes this.
  14. Vagrant278


    Mar 11, 2008
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    This is a prime example of what I stated before: Ignoring facts because FOX Propaganda told them to only listen to FOX Propaganda.
    7 people like this.
  15. xXxLove


    Aug 28, 2009
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    And americans wonder why so many of the people in the rest of the world think you are stupid :O
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  16. medievil


    Apr 25, 2007
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    I don't watch fox thanks...

    and ignoring what facts?? seems to me it is you that is ignoring facts.. you've not disputed anything said, you are relying on someone elses opinion/so called facts, as your basis for believing global warming is real and not cyclic...show us how previous cycles is NOT happening now...You can even use the liberal skewed science they use to justify it as being a real thing.. I am betting you still can't show it is NOT cyclic. GW is a billion dollar industry...even when they got caught making up the "Science" in their documents they acknowledge they are doing it to get more money
    1 person likes this.
  17. medievil


    Apr 25, 2007
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    easy answer, many people in the rest of the world lack morals, are uneducated socialists that think Govt is the answer to everything...they lack critical thinking and can't possibly fathom someone not wanting govt, the EU, France, Germany, etc to control every aspect of their life....
    1 person likes this.
  18. alanm999


    Jun 2, 2007
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    What a bunch of shit. You may want to try travelling and experiencing the world instead of swallowing the koolaid. The world existed long before 'merica and it'll exist long after. Imbecile.
    1 person likes this.
  19. solidskull


    Dec 27, 2006
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    That's your brilliant analysis, that Madison wanted the new gov't to be able to crush a rebellion just like he wanted the Brits to be able to crush our little rebellion? Yeah, you sure got him figured out!
  20. arrogantamb


    Jan 6, 2016
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    This is beautiful. An army of poets couldn't draft a more perfect post. I want to frame this for when the eloi are tracing the evolution of morlocks a million years from now.
    1 person likes this.
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