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The Sancho And Juicehead666 Random Chat Thread!

Discussion in 'Hall of Fame' started by Sancho, May 11, 2006.

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  1. Inuk

    Inuk insert witty comment here ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    May 13, 2007
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    lol damn I haven't smoked any weed in about 5 or 6 months.

    dude I know is in a wheelchair, he grows his own shit. one time he sent me some stuff in a trident pack. one joint got me and my bud stoned for about 3 hours. was fucking sweet stuff man.
    Majesty9917 likes this.
  2. Salty Longshanks

    Salty Longshanks Using my third arm

    Apr 8, 2005
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    Things are good here NOW. Just got home from the parental units place for the Mother's Day thing, and teh beers are cold. :D
    Enough about me, how are you holding up dude? Looks like you're in some shit with the ol' lady eh? :(
  3. Inuk

    Inuk insert witty comment here ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    May 13, 2007
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    oh yeah nice man. I am just cooking right now. yummy!
  4. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    yea me and the wifey are having some issues. The major one being my anger. She pushes my buttons and I explode. I punch things and curse VERY loudly and she is pulling the card of it not being good for the kids to be around. Just a whole slew of stresses right now goin on. Money is extremely tight atm. I have so many bills piled onto my head. Im tryin the best I can but with my injury its hard to earn the kind of money that I need to be earning. I just feel like shes always on my back and I just don't know what she expects from me. I kinda feel like an animal backed into a corner and the only thing I can do is lash out. I don't agree with the way she is parenting the kids, so thats just another argument. There is just so many issues. Problem is that almost all of em are recurring issues that never get resolved, so while ur angry about them the first time, by the time u get to the hundreth time fighting about it its way beyond anger and moving into disgust. I am not a very bending or compromising person. Im very selfish. I have lived my whole life like that and it has kept me alive and well in many cases, however when dealing with a relationship, it often times has the complete opposite effect. I could vent for a long time about this shit but I'm sure you would rather not hear of my ordeals as I am sure u have some of your own to deal with. I mean doesn't everyone?
  5. Salty Longshanks

    Salty Longshanks Using my third arm

    Apr 8, 2005
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    Wassup Jaymez?
    I don't/can't smoke anymore. I get fucking piss tested at work because I have a CDL (Commercial Drivers License).
    Back in the day, we used to get this shit that we called "Thursday Bud". It always showed up on .....you guessed it! Thursdays! :p
    It was straight outta Trinity County in Northern California, and the buds looked like little Christmas trees. Florescent green with beautiful little red hairs, and they looked like they were sugar dipped from all the crystals on them. :D
    Smoke that shit, and don't make any plans for the afternoon/evening! :p
  6. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    stop talking about weed you phuckers!!! I am stressing here!!! lol
  7. Inuk

    Inuk insert witty comment here ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    May 13, 2007
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    damn dude, that sounds rough. fucking shitty way to be fighting man, fucking hell. there are time you just have to walk away and clear your fucking head.

    lol damn Salty, why do you have the commercial license?
  8. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    never been one of my strong points
  9. Salty Longshanks

    Salty Longshanks Using my third arm

    Apr 8, 2005
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    Fuckin' a man. I know exactly what you mean by the selfish thing. We've talked about our "exploits" when we were younger, and the fact that we were on our own, taking care of (our) business at a young age. When you essentially grow up like that, it's hard to break the "look out for number one" mindset, and that translates rapidly into your relationships. You instinctively go into defense mode when "threatened", and "protect what's your's". As much as you love your kids, I'm sure they just add to the stress at this point.
    Fuck me....I sound like Dr. Phil for Christ's sake. :p
    If you can swing it, you, and the ol' lady need to skip out for a weekend without the kids my man. Many issues have been resolved after a weekend in a hotel bed. And it would give you guys a great break from the day, to day BS. ;)
    Majesty9917 likes this.
  10. Inuk

    Inuk insert witty comment here ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    May 13, 2007
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    mmm, I marinated a steak for a few hours. cooked it nice and boiled up some nice mini potatoes. damn good!
  11. Salty Longshanks

    Salty Longshanks Using my third arm

    Apr 8, 2005
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    That's a damn good question my man. :confused:
    They made it a job requirement a few years ago, and methinks it was just another way for them to keep a thumb on you. :(
    I could rent a U-haul that has a higher registration weight,(which you can drive with a "normal" license), than the truck that I drive at work once every three months. :(
  12. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    thx salty its actually kinda encouraging to hear someone who understands my situation. Most people just think I am a complete asshole or a cold hearted bastard. The actual truth is that I can be a very kind and caring person, but as you said there are certain defenses that are in place, and when someone clips the infrared beam than they are triggered. Unfortunately tho I do realize that i have some SERIOUS anger issues. It may sound crazy but I completely relate myself to the Banner/Hulk scenario. When I am calm Im fine and in control, but in the blink of an eye and with only the slightest agitation I change into a raging monster. When I black out like that I feel disconnected from myself, like someone else takes over and I am only an observer. I can only watch as my rage lays down a path of destruction that I will later have to atone for. Worst part is that when I am raging and I have totally lost control, when I am only an observer, I like the way it feels. It is such a rush the way the rage part of me pulls no punches, says what it wants, and acts with no fear of consequence. I think I am crazy!!!!
  13. Salty Longshanks

    Salty Longshanks Using my third arm

    Apr 8, 2005
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    Where the hell is Kieks? :confused: I thought he was kicking around here this afternoon (my time). ;)
  14. Inuk

    Inuk insert witty comment here ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    May 13, 2007
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    awesome, the chemical burn scene is about to start.
  15. Jetstream

    Jetstream Goodnight Julia

    Oct 9, 2006
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    Edward Norton is the Incredible Hulk
  16. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    Ill FUCKING SMASH Edward Norton!!!
  17. Salty Longshanks

    Salty Longshanks Using my third arm

    Apr 8, 2005
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    If you don't mind me asking, how much do you drink dude?
    I used to be exactly like that when I included bourbon in my daily caloric intake.
    The ol' lady finally got fed up with it, and gave me the "ultimatum". The rage I used to feel was unbelievable, and like you stated, it could be triggered by the smallest thing. Thank Christ I never put a hand on her. The walls, doors, and douchebags at the bars were the lucky recipients of that. :(
  18. Inuk

    Inuk insert witty comment here ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    May 13, 2007
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    urk. I am quite full.

    ice creamsicle for dessert. then big boy juice later tonight for dessert dessert!

  19. Jetstream

    Jetstream Goodnight Julia

    Oct 9, 2006
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    I can't stop laughing! :lol:
  20. Majesty9917

    Majesty9917 To crush your enemies...see them driven before you BANNED ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ 15 Year Member Meat & Potatoes Guy

    Jan 24, 2007
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    i dont drink at all. I also have not put a hand on her, nor would I ever, but as u stated many other items and people catch the wraith. My father beat the living hell outta my mom before she had enough and left his ass, so i really feel that is what keeps me from crossing that line. It is one thing that I had always felt since a very young boy, I would never lay my hand on a woman no matter what. It has stuck up to this point and I dnt see that changing. I swear Salty I really think I have some sort of mental condition, I feel almost like 2 different people are constantly fighting for control of my body. I have seen shrinks in the past and to me they are all in it for the money. They move so slowly to try to address or fix the problem so they can keep milking you mre money. I really don't know what to do at this point, this anger thing is really becoming a major concern. Again its something that in the past was a positive attribute and came in handy on many an occasion, but now that I am "settled down" so to speak it seems as tho it has outlived its usefulness.
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