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Quit posting rape, incest, beastiality, and child pornography!

Discussion in 'Sexy Videos (Pro)' started by wtfazzhole, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. cynicalJ


    Apr 8, 2005
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    You're a sick mothafucka.
  2. wtf Mate!

    wtf Mate!

    Jan 27, 2006
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    i think tiesto stated his position well... i am not sayin he is right, but there is def no need to attack him for stating his opinion... he is not forcing it on you... simply asking what you think...
    Pornseeker likes this.
  3. squirtinsfun


    Oct 14, 2006
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    I just decide from looking at the thread title if I want to view the content. I'm not into butt surfing so I stay away from those threads. I don't care if others want to look at it. Hopefully poster's will accurately tell you the content in the title. Special thanks to the mods for doing a great job of regulating the content! :p
  4. philologist357


    Feb 20, 2005
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    Been a while; let's send this to the top again....bump.
  5. Number1


    Jun 24, 2006
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    I'd rather see some form of beastiality compared to Belladonna squirting water out of her ass into the toilet. And then licking up the drops off the toilet seat that didn't make it in.

    That is sick. Almost makes me gag.


    But, if the freedom of beastiality or other crazy stuff, banned according to this thread, would cause the site to be shut down, then we don't need it.
  6. djtiesto


    Mar 20, 2007
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    The mods said "no" so that means no. Personally, I think we should at least try to run a voting system, just at least to get a general consensus. If the majority approves of dog-shit-eating-urine-drinking-vomit-swallowing porn :-? , then it's only fair that we comply. Likewise, if the majority finds conventional anal sex too disturbing, then these videos can be banned I suppose. But, as I said, the mods are the ones running this site, and if it goes against their beliefs, then ultimately they get the last word.
    Pornseeker, Me Love and rastarob like this.
  7. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    someone actually posed child porn here or rape porn? i'd contact the local authorities
  8. buddy1017


    Dec 7, 2005
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    There is no voting.
    There is no concensus.
    There is no debate.
    These are the rules....period
  9. TheRiver

    TheRiver temporarily a little out of order. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 15 Year Member Original Phun Crew Movers & Shakers

    Jun 4, 2005
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    we mods aren´t running this site, it´s run by the Admin/Owner and the members which we are a part of - with a few "privileges", if you can consider certain things as "privilege". i could do without some of them, be assured - and my fellows too.
    we are always open for suggestions, discussions, concerns etc. - nothing is too perfect.
    but on certains things there simly is no room for discussions.
    that´s at least law and common sense - and in these cases the "voting-system" is that we either allow certain things by not trashing it or don´t allow things by trashing it (and banning the poster, if needed).
    you have to be aware to have more or less explicit sexual practises presented here. tastes vary.

    (a good example why i´m a big fan of proper thread-titles, btw.)
  10. taittinger


    Jul 2, 2007
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    The strange people on here who post these videos are usually new people who dont care about being banned.

    But I agree that some things, like the animal sex today should not be allowed. If it is illegal in the US and UK then it should not allowed.

    Some things on this site are 'personal taste' but I think that the video caps and name normally give a clue to whats going on. So people need to use their discreation, just like tv. They remember that they dont like, then choose to watch it, then get surprised that they dont like it. Sometimes we can't win.

    The mods are doing a great job, Nice site.
  11. Cappa_Coppa


    Nov 24, 2006
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    No mercy to child porn sicks and let s behead these sick brain holders all together:mad:
  12. tanner


    Aug 20, 2005
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    but stuff when a girl is treated a bit rough is ok right?
  13. SilentB

    SilentB ---------------

    May 9, 2007
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    Wouldnt hurt my feelings a bit if the throat gagging junk got the axe too. Its surprising a topic "not open for debate" has continued for 4 pages. Contributors constantly pushing the limits (or ignoring them) has been the downfall of every great forum I've known so far. I wonder if the majority of that stuff was posted by pissed off people that got banned or just some idiot who's only intention is to get the forum canned. I've never seen any "illegal" stuff here so I must congratulate the staff for staying on top of things.
  14. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    i like porn. most of my friends like porn. most of the girls i know like porn, but porn, not rape or even staged rape, child porn is so fucked up that it shouldn't even need discussing and the animal stuff, well it isn't really porn, its just, well its for mental people isn't it?

    everyone has their fantasies and fetishes, i love the whole tall girls with glasses and dark hair, the stereotypical secretary thing but that doesn't mean i dont like other things too.

    i believe if people are sensible then this place will continue to be as much fun as it is and can continue safely for years. it would be unfair for some loser to spoil it for everyone else. simply be sensible and label your thread properly.

    From djtiesta
    that is utter bullshit. my friend is a criminal psychologist. she says that this is a jump off point for people who eventually go on to commit serious sexual crimes. fantasy becomes, need and eventually reality. there is always some girl at the other end who suffers this, so it is not harmless.

    i for one back the mods entirely. no tolerance for this shit.
  15. uzzelien


    Mar 1, 2007
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    Whoever is posting that crap has some major problems. BUMP!!
  16. brcook09

    brcook09 In The Crack

    Apr 14, 2005
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    Bump this
  17. dade82


    Apr 17, 2005
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    Ya know, I like this site. Keep up the good works wtfazzhole and the other mods!
  18. djtiesto


    Mar 20, 2007
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    It is great to know that you have a mind of your own.

    With your friend's logic in mind, violent video games is a jump-off point for people to eventually commit serious criminal activities. Like for example, the fact that I've been playing Counter-strike for many years, means that you will some day probably catch me chucking a hand-grenade into someone's living room. Or maybe I'll just purchase an AK-47 and start spraying anyone who appears middle-eastern while barbarically yelling out "Counter-Terrorists Wins!"

    Your friend may be a criminal Psychologist, but, that certainly does not make him a sex therapist, nor does that make me one. However, what I do know for sure though is that often human beings are more resilient than what you've just implied. We are not robotic structures that are pre-programmed to model any and all types of behavior. We have thought processes, we have cognition. We have the skill that separates us from Chimpanzees.

    With that being said, there is a kernel of truth to what your friend said. He's right to a degree, watching rape fantasy porn can be the platform for people to commit these same acts in the real world. But, he failed to mention that these people are mentally unstable to begin with. Check the background information on serial rapists, they are usually sexually-abused individuals who came from crippling upbringings. In fact, do you think these rapists are going to all of a sudden become well-adjusted people with the removal of it?

    The point I'm trying to make is that rape porn or fantasy porn, whatever you want to call it, is not, in and of itself, a bad thing. MOST people know it is just a fantasy and are not stupid enough to go out and actually do something like that. Many of us may want to, have impulses that drive us, but, thats' where it ends. You can always argue that there is always going to be that somebody that does get influenced by it and goes on a rape rampage, but, why stop there? Lets eliminate anything that may potentially "cause" a person trouble - lets get rid of violet games, movies, consensual sex in media - I mean, come on, sex in movies is going to cause an increase in teenage pregnancies, right?

    Psychology Graduate
    Pornseeker likes this.
  19. xkanex


    Jun 4, 2005
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    djt, gtfo, k thx!
  20. Noodle Panda

    Noodle Panda ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ 15 Year Member

    Apr 22, 2007
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    First, my friend is female. you showed where your head is coming from by stating that a criminal psychologist automatically must be a man.
    second, she has explained to me that many of the cases she has worked with have explained to her that they engaged in more violent sexual practises after their desire for this sort of thing was fuelled by getting hold of and watching more and more extreme forms of pornography.

    i have a mind of my own you twerp, and i use it when an extremely well educated and experienced friend explains something to me like this.

    anyway, bump.

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